
Dear Crafty Gals,

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen complications and events this year's Modern + Vintage Crafter-noon will be rescheduled. As to when and where... we will let you know. There are several factors to consider when planning an event of this magnitude. We shall see what 2013 will bring.

So September 8th, 2012 you are free to let your creative selves run wild!

Happy Making,

Crafter-Noon Begins

Join up with other women for an entire afternoon dedicated to your love of crafting, connecting, and creating! 

Crafter-noon is a one day event to be held 
Saturday, September 8th, 2012 from 11:00am to 5:00pm 
at the Westmoreland, NH Town Hall

The day will be full of great creative classes, amazing workshops, tasty lunch, plus one-on-one inspirational instruction for your own projects from our experts.

Browse the tabs above for more information.

Interested in being a Sponsor or a Vendor?